4 Top Considerations While Choosing Engineered Wood for Your Flooring Project

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Construction Advice and News If you are looking for a fun and informative blog which will tell you all of the things you need to know about the construction industry and how it can help you to realise your dreams, you have come to the right place. My name is Sandy and ever since I called in a construction company to carry out work on my property, I have been hooked on learning all I can about the industry. I kept in touch with some of the construction crew and they have been teaching me everything I need to know about this subject. Enjoy!


Are you considering using engineered wood for your upcoming flooring project? There are so many things that you need to consider from wood colour and grade to finishing and specifications. Thus, choosing the perfect engineered wood can be a challenging task.

However, this should not worry you as we are going to reveal four essential tips to help you choose the right engineered wood flooring. So, what makes the perfect engineered flooring for your commercial or residential project?

The Wear Layer

High-quality engineered wood flooring features several stacked layers. These layers provide durability and strength to the wood. The top layer is 100% solid hardwood, and it's commonly referred to as the wear layer. When finding the best quality and traditional looking boards, consider choosing engineered wood with a single-striped wear layer. Also, the thicker the wear layer, the more durable and long-lasting it'll be.

The Undercore

The undercore defines what lies under the wear layer and is essential in determining high-quality engineered floorboards. Additionally, it provides the strength and stability of your floorboards. Undercores come in different qualities, but the best ones contain multi-laminate plywood. The cross-layered plywood offers more durability and strength to the floorboards. On the contrary, cheaper engineered floorboards feature one or two layers of blockboard undercore that's weaker. Hence, it wiser to choose engineered wood flooring with multi-laminate plywood that can withstand swelling or shrinking.

The Dimensions

There are different lengths and widths for engineered wood flooring. The choice of dimensions for your engineered boards is solely a personal decision. However, there are few factors to consider during the selection process. Narrow and short floorboards are less expensive and can be a great cost-effective option that doesn't jeopardize overall quality. On the contrary, broader floorboards are somewhat costly but are also easier to fit.

These two factors are crucial when adding up the costs and determining the best-engineered wood to use. Broader and longer boards will provide a traditional timber grain. For this reason, most contractors prefer them due to their attractive natural look. 

The Finish

When you choose to buy your engineered wood flooring, you can have them pre-treated or acquire them in untreated form. Treatment involves factory finishing with various oils and veneers. However, purchasing untreated boards will force you to treat them onsite with suitable coatings.


These are the four primary considerations when purchasing engineered wood flooring. We believe this post helps you find the perfect wooden floorboards for your flooring needs. To learn more about engineered flooring, contact a flooring contractor in your area.

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